Digital Activities: English Level 1 These digital interactive activities are supplements to the worksheet printouts. I am ~. You are ~. Are you ~? This is ~. Is this ~? That is ~. Is that ~? He is ~. Do you like ~? I like ~. I play ~. What do you ~? I have ~. I want ~. I see ~. How many ~? Let’s ~. What iis this? What’s wrong? He plays ~. Does he ~? Who is ~? What time is it? Which do you ~? Where is the ~? I, my, me, mine Whose is this? Do you know ~? I am ~ing ~. Don’t ~. Do ~. I’m looking for ~. I can see ~. When can ~? I ~ed ~yesterday. << Digital Activities: English Level 3 Back to: English Level 1 Digital Activities: English Level 2 >>